Photography has been a part of my life since I was born. My father had been a professional photographer. Cameras, tripods, lights and portrait sittings were a constant. My first camera was my father’s Kodak Compur Retina, a small folding camera made in Germany, without a built-in light meter. By the time I was in high school I was developing and enlarging black and white photos in the basement of our house.
Now I take pictures on my walks in Seekonk and nearby Rhode Island with an Apple iPhone because it’s the only camera that is always in my pocket. My walk is never the same because the day's weather and season means the light is always changing.
In 2023, I added assemblage to my art work. A longtime fan of the artist Joseph Cornell, I began creating assemblages out of wood and cast-off pieces I had been accumulating for years.
Also in 2023, I entered art shows with both photography and assemblages and won three awards.
On Instagram I am Martha 701.